اكتشف العالم

تقدم Tripdeal أماكن مذهلة بعروض حصرية


ضمان أفضل الأسعار

ارفع مستوى تجربة وكيل السفر B2B الخاص بك. توفير لا مثيل له، خدمة لا مثيل لها - لأنك تستحق الأفضل.


حجز سهل وسريع

لتلبية احتياجات عالم الأعمال سريع الخطى، توفر منصتنا تخطيطًا سهلاً للسفر وحجوزات سريعة. قم بتبسيط خط سير رحلتك ببضع نقرات فقط.


دعم الوكيل 24/7

العالم لا ينام، ولا نحن كذلك. بفضل دعمنا على مدار الساعة، لن تكون هناك مشكلة كبيرة جدًا أو صغيرة جدًا - فنحن مستيقظون ومستعدون لمساعدتك

ماذا يقوله عملائنا؟

في Tripdeal، يُقاس نجاحنا بمدى رضا عملائنا، ويشرفنا أن نشارك شهاداتهم. تعكس هذه الأصوات الالتزام والتفاني الذي نبذله لضمان تجربة حجز فنادق سلسة وفعالة من حيث التكلفة لكل من الوكلاء والمسافرين

Happy People
Overall rating
Ahmed Indoukh
Travel Agent

Joining Tripdeal has been a game-changer for my travel agency. The platform's extensive hotel selection and unbeatable prices have not only elevated the quality of accommodations I can offer my clients but have also significantly boosted my business. The user-friendly interface and dedicated support make booking seamless, and the exclusive deals ensure my clients get the best value. Tripdeal has become an indispensable partner for my agency's success!

Moath Qashou
Travel Agent

I've partnered with various travel platforms, but Tripdeal stands out for its commitment to providing the best prices for agents. The platform's wide range of hotels caters to diverse client preferences, and the booking process is efficient and straightforward. The personalized support I receive as a partner is unparalleled, and the exclusive deals have not only increased my client satisfaction but also enhanced my agency's reputation. Tripdeal is a true ally in the competitive world of travel.

Salem Nahla
Travel Agent

Becoming an agent with Tripdeal has been a game-changer for my independent consultancy. The platform's dedication to securing the best hotel prices is unmatched. It's not just about the savings, though – the platform's tools make my job easier, allowing me to focus on creating unforgettable travel experiences for my clients. The flexibility and support I receive as a partner make Tripdeal the ideal choice for any travel consultant looking to provide top-notch service with maximum value.

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